Monday, December 3, 2012

I am thankful for...

I know this post is late, but please bear with me November was a rough month for me. I spent some time on bed rest which I will tell you all more about in another post. I spent many nights after work trying to decompress from the stress and business of my day. Hopefully I will get my blog back up to date quickly. I have ideas jotted down in my hand dandy Evernote App that I will be bringing you shortly.

I started out the month of November by posting each day one thing I was thankful for on my Facebook page. It didn't seem to matter how much I tried I never remembered to post something each day or I was already crawling in bed with my eyes half open and decided I was just to tired to pick my phone back up to make a post. I know there is plenty out there that I am thankful for. So, I decided that I would put 30 days of thankfulness into a post here. I hope you all enjoy!

  1. My loving family.
  2. My sweet husband who has always stood by my side. I have no idea where the last 5 years has gone. 
  3. My Marmy you can set her clocks by my daily phone calls. 
  4. My friends without guys I would be a very lonely person. 
  5. Volunteering at my local animal shelter to help stray and abandoned animals fine forever homes. 
  6. A job that couldn't be any better suited for me I really do bleed green.
  7. A house to call my home.
  8. the men and women who serve and have served our country so we can be free: My daddy. Larry Daum, Jessica Loggins, Justin Loggins, Robert Figeroua, Jeff Wilchman, Jessica Arredondo Micheal Babker, Kyle Goodwin.
  9. Juliette Gordon Low and the vision she had for all the girls of savannah and all the girls of the world.
  10. The wonderful Girl Scout volunteers I get the pleasure of working with. 
  11. My fur babies that keep me entertained.
  12. Waking up each morning and being able to enjoy the day.
  13. Being healthy (for the most part)  there are too many people that suffer on a daily basis.
  14. For the friendships that I have held onto through thick and thin.
  15. For being asked to be the matron of honor in my best friends wedding two years ago. I wish you the best 100 yeara jess and justin.
  16. Caring co-workers who help keep me sane.
  17. Being able to volunteer with Baca and see the difference i make in a childs life.
  18. Have reliable transportation that 30 mile commute would not be easy with out it.
  19. My husband and myself both having jobs we enjoy! (It is about time that something worked out for Randy!)
  20. Who ever invented wine. It is nice to sip on and relax after a hard day.
  21. The little things in life.
  22. Social Media, this is by far one thing I spend a lot of my time involved in. I love how I have been able to stay in contact with people from my past so easily and meet new people along the way.
  23. Pinterest, this one explains itself! I can't even begin to describe the countless hours I have spent on that site. I have always thought I was a pretty crafty person, but some of the ideas on Pinterest I would have never come up with. I love to use Pinterest for inspiration at work and at home. 
  24. My cell phone, I would be lost without it. 
  25. Evernote, Thanks Jenni aka Digital Era Mom. I am not only using this program for my blog and home life. I even made my roommate and husband download the app to their phones so, we can all stay on the same page! Evernote makes organization so much easier in the digital realm!
  26. Medication that has helped my brother lead a little bit of a healthier life. 
  27. Advocates that aren't afraid to stand up for someone else who doesn't or not able to stand up for them selves. 
  28. Living in a county where we have the right to be who we want to be. 
  29. My parents letting me grow into the person that I wanted to be and support me in everything I do. 
  30. My Brother Joshie! My only sibling I still talk to. Even though we are miles apart and our only communication is through snail mail I would jump over backwards for you! Our love with always keep us close.

What are you thankful for?