Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Amazing Evernote!

A while back I was working on cleaning out my email and catching up on blogs that I follow. The blogs that I frequent often I have set up to come to my email, so when I have time I can take a few minutes and read their new material instead of trying to remember to go to their page to see if something new has been published. One of my favorite blogs to read is digitialeramom. I don't really fit the demographic for the blog, but I really enjoy the read. She published a post titled Obsessed with Evernote. I knew right away I needed to read more. I have a very OCD brain and I like to have all of my ideas neatly organized. As I was reading through her post I knew this app was going to work wonders for me. I have really wanted to get back into blogging and I needed a better way to organize my thoughts that was better than a notebook that I would end up not having when a fabulous idea popped into my head. 

I started off by downloading the app and getting it set up on my phone. I am never without my phone. I live off of my phone. Who now a days doesn't? All my social networks, my email - personal and work related (which is a blessing and a curse), my calendar are all at the tap of a finger. The interface of evernote on my phone was very east to use and it automatically sent me an email to the link to download the desktop version once I got back to my computer. Of course, I download the files and set up evernote on my computer and started playing around with it. I have come to love this app! It does everything I need it to and probably so much more I haven't had the time to figure out. 

I love that if I have and idea for a post I can type it up and click into another note to write a quick note and it automatically updates my notes without having to remember to manually save them. I am always working on more than one thing at a time and occasionally I forget to hit the save button and move on to something else only to realize I lost everything I had just been working on. I love this feature! 

I put my menu for Christmas dinner into Evernote and I could then write a shopping list off of that. Being able to type in an item that I need to grab at the store the next time I go is slowly cutting down on the trips that I have to take to the store and that makes me a happy panda! I have made my roommate and my husband put this app on their phone, so if they are at the store they can view the grocery list and see if we need anything while they are. This keeps us from all picking up the same thing if we don't have a chance to send a quick text or make that phone call. 

I have a notebook set up just for my blog post ideas. I have so many ideas running through my head at one time I needed an area where i could put them down and work on getting my ideas organized. I type far faster than I ca write, so it is easier for me to get more ideas down in a short amount of time. 

I really want to start focusing on eating healthier and hopefully finding some time to work exercise into my routine that is a schedule I want to work on putting together and keeping it in evernote, so I always have it with me. I have also thought about starting a food journal. I have so many ideas running through my head I am sure that I will eventually get them all straightened out. 

I love using Evernote!

Do you use the app? If so, what items do you put in it?

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