Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Guess I am not Superwoman...

November has proven to be a rough month for me. I had a lot going on at work and I was stressed trying to meet deadlines. My back over the last few years has acted up from time to time. Normally it would hurt for a few days and the pain would subside and slowly go away. This time things were different. The pain stayed and got worse each day. After a week of the pain not getting any better I decided I would put my stubbornness aside and I scheduled an appointment to see the doctor. I called first thing Monday morning and luckily my doctor had an opening at 3:30 pm. I snagged that appointment before anyone else could. I went ahead and went into work because I could sit at home and be miserable or I could go to work and sit and be miserable, but get some things knocked off my to do list. Needless to say, extreme amount of pain and productivity do not go so well together. 3 o'clock finally rolled around after seeming like an eternity I finished up the last few things I was working on and headed out to my doctors appointment. 

I walked in the doctors office at 3:15 because they always tell you to arrive early to fill out paperwork. At my doctors office to matter how many times you have been there you have to fill out a half sheet of information every time. I sat in the waiting room until almost 3:45 when my appointment was scheduled for 3:30. I finally made it back to the room and the nurse did all the stuff she needed to do and I say around and waiting until almost 4 for the doctor to come in. This is what I don't get they tell you to be there early and then all day they run behind. They should schedule the appointments a little further apart in order to get through everyone that they need to and stay on time. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for modern medicine, but at the same time I wish my time was respected more. 

When my doctor had me stand to get on the bed he could tell something was pretty bad with my back. He tested the reflexes in my knees and ankles to make sure all of that was working properly. He felt around on my back to see where the pain was coming from. Luckily it is not around my spine it is all the muscles in my lower back. He asked what I have been doing and if I could recall doing anything that would pull on my back. Honestly, I have no idea what I did to hurt myself. I just know that my back has never hurt this bad before. After figuring out that it was muscle relating I was put on some muscles relaxers and two days bed rest. For anyone that knows me bed rest is not my friend. I hate being tied down and not being able to do anything for myself. I have come to realization I like to be a homebody, but only when it fits my mood. I don't like being stuck at home when it is not my choice. Since, I couldn't get off the couch (my couch is far more comfortable when my back is hurting) I did what I do best. Take photos! Enjoy! 

Tassellhoff is my fat lazy kitty, so he spent a lot of time with me. 

Tassellhoff didn't want his photo taken again...

Luna Belle Being her sassy self.

Gizmo came inside just to lay on the couch with me. 

Simba my baby kitty wouldn't lay down long enough for me to get a good picture of him and we left the two bigger dogs outside. They would have sent me through the roof if they would have jumped on me! 

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