Thursday, August 29, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Last

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing.

The last time I thought of you was just a few moments ago. Wishing it didn't have to be this way.

The last time I saw you we both sat in the most uncomfortable plastic chairs on the opposite side of the glass window and talked into the handsets that keep shorting out every time one of us would move wrong.  We may be in different states and hours apart, but our hearts will always keep us close.

When I start thinking about all the lasts it always makes me remember all the firsts

The first time you rode in the car with me after I had started driving. 
The first time I dyed your hair.
The first time we went to the mall together. 
The first time we went to the beach (that I can remember) and got mom's van stuck! 
The first time we surprised mom at her office when she worked at the amusement park. 

This list could go on and on!

It has been a while since the last time, but here is hoping to the next time will be soon! 

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