- You bought me tickets to the Pink concert and won't complain to bad to attend the concert with me
- You always listens to me when I need to vent and comfort me after I am finished
- You are always there when I need you
- You hold me in your arms as we watch our favorite shows
- We spend time apart doing our own things, so we can enjoy the time we have together even more
- We have no secrets
- You always encourage me to be myself
- You never let me back down from standing up for myself
- I love how caring you are when it comes to our fur-babies - though it makes me wonder if you love them more :)
- You deal with my super hot steamy showers
- You always light candles, incense and start music before every shower
- You answer "no" when I ask you to do something, but you always go to it anyway
- You can turn my frown upside down by knowing exactly what to say
- You don't think my obsession with pandas is crazy
- No matter how into your video games you are you still find time to spend with me every night
- You let me steal all the blankets at night because you like to be cold when you are sleeping :)
- We never go to bed angry
- You hold my hand every time we walk anywhere together
- Every day I get a good morning message on Facebook
- You give me a hard time about how many shoes and clothes I have, but you don't say anything when I bring new ones home
- You don't mind helping cleaning the house
- You are getting better at cooking
- You are always eager to try new recipes
- I love that we spend Sunday's visiting the thrift stores together
- I love that I always get a kiss before I go to bed
- I can't imagine my life without you
I hope you have an amazing birthday! Enjoy the wings and beer for dinner!
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