Monday, September 2, 2013

Smashing Sunday 9.1.13

I am a day late, but late is better than never! I was super busy on a fun project yesterday, more to come on this in another post!

This has been a really busy week for me, so I only got a few pages done.

I am still new to smashing, so I figured I would dedicate a page to why I had started.

I have found a new love for paint chips! The top one I used a glitter pen and it says,
" Don't let anyone take away your sparkle" 

Happy Smashing!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Last

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing.

The last time I thought of you was just a few moments ago. Wishing it didn't have to be this way.

The last time I saw you we both sat in the most uncomfortable plastic chairs on the opposite side of the glass window and talked into the handsets that keep shorting out every time one of us would move wrong.  We may be in different states and hours apart, but our hearts will always keep us close.

When I start thinking about all the lasts it always makes me remember all the firsts

The first time you rode in the car with me after I had started driving. 
The first time I dyed your hair.
The first time we went to the mall together. 
The first time we went to the beach (that I can remember) and got mom's van stuck! 
The first time we surprised mom at her office when she worked at the amusement park. 

This list could go on and on!

It has been a while since the last time, but here is hoping to the next time will be soon! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I have a Dream... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Take a few minutes out of your day to enjoy this song. It is well worth it!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Smashing Sunday 8.25.13

I am hoping to be able to work on my smash book a little each week, so when Sunday rolls around I will be able to share my layout with y'all. I shared with everyone last week my cover and how I plan to tie my blog and book together. You can read about that here. Here are two spreads that I finished this week. I have a few more pages started, but they aren't finished yet. 

This is the first page of my book to remind myself so focus on the little things
 in life because they are what make my life mine. 

 This spread is about my trip I took in July. I had planned to take a vacation to pick up my Marmy in Tennessee then head north to visit my grandparents and my sister and family. I ended up heading out early because my grandma was in the hospital and not doing very well. Thankfully, nanny stayed in the hospital for a few days and was able to head home. 

I feel that these are really plain, but I am new to smashing and I am sure as I get going I will be able to go back and add a few things. Since, this was a more of a serious story I didn't want to go other board. 

What do you like to smash about?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Just SMASH it!!!

Once again I am late to the game!

This is a *fad* I may just stick with!

I LOVE taking photos and have thousands of them on my computer. I love to save little mementos to remember different events. I have always wanted to make a scrapbook, but that is an expensive hobby to pick up!

Which brings me to SMASHING! I have been browsing different ideas for scrapbooks on Pinterest and I came across the idea of a SMASH book, also know as a "trash the journal."

There are a few different companies that make the journals you start with or you can make your own. I like to venture to the cheaper route for crafting. I had purchased a sketch notebook a while back and I haven't used it as much as I had intended.

Thus, my SMASH book was born!

I was trying to get a "before" picture of this, but as you can see I had already 
started the attack with the Sharpie :) 

Finished Cover

Check back to see my first few pages!  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Small

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing.

I wake up every morning and drag myself out of bed. What can I say I am FAR from being a morning person. 

I get myself ready for work and hit the road for the 27 miles commute. Once I hit my office my purse gets laid in my chair and my cell phone lands on the edge of my desk. I reach for my coffee cup and head for the kitchen. I am normally the first coffee drinker in the office, so its my task to make coffee. 

This is my daily routine. 

I am thankful that I have the opportunity to wake up each morning. 

I am thankful for a car to drive to get to work. 

I am thankful to have a job. 

I am thankful to have such amazing co-workers. 

I am thankful for coffee. 

My list could go on. My motto for life is: "It's all about the journey not the destination."  

I could only imagine what my days would be like if I didn't have all these small things to make up my routine. 

It is the small things in life that really matter.  Focus on the small things. Focus on the journey not the destination. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

26 Reasons Why I Love You!!

I wanted to have a special post for a very special person in my life. Today, my lovely husband celebrates his 26th Birthday! I am sure I could go on and on for a while, but here are 26 reasons I love you Randy!

  1. You bought me tickets to the Pink concert and won't complain to bad to attend the concert with me
  2. You always listens to me when I need to vent and comfort me after I am finished 
  3. You are always there when I need you 
  4. You hold me in your arms as we watch our favorite shows 
  5. We spend time apart doing our own things, so we can enjoy the time we have together even more
  6. We have no secrets 
  7. You always encourage me to be myself 
  8. You never let me back down from standing up for myself 
  9. I love how caring you are when it comes to our fur-babies - though it makes me wonder if you love them more :) 
  10. You deal with my super hot steamy showers 
  11. You always light candles, incense and start music before every shower
  12. You answer "no" when I ask you to do something, but you always go to it anyway 
  13. You can turn my frown upside down by knowing exactly what to say
  14. You don't think my obsession with pandas is crazy
  15. No matter how into your video games you are you still find time to spend with me every night 
  16. You let me steal all the blankets at night because you like to be cold when you are sleeping :)
  17. We never go to bed angry 
  18. You hold my hand every time we walk anywhere together
  19. Every day I get a good morning message on Facebook 
  20. You give me a hard time about how many shoes and clothes I have, but you don't say anything when I bring new ones home
  21. You don't mind helping cleaning the house
  22. You are getting better at cooking 
  23. You are always eager to try new recipes 
  24. I love that we spend Sunday's visiting the thrift stores together 
  25. I love that I always get a kiss before I go to bed 
  26. I can't imagine my life without you 
I hope you have an amazing birthday! Enjoy the wings and beer for dinner!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Story

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing. 

Everyone has a story and everyone's is different. 

This is something that I wish more people would understand. By having this blog I put myself out to the public more than I would if I didn't have this blog. I write about good times I write about some of the bad times, but I don't put it all out there. I am still a person on the other side of screen and I like having control about what I share and don't share. 

There are many times in my life that I have heard people make hurtful remarks about someone else because of what they were wearing, who they were hanging out with or what activities they liked participating. 

Stereotypes are there worst thing to happen to the human race. 

Everyone is their own person, has their own likes and dislikes. 

Everyone has the right to live their life the way they want to without needed input from others.  

Stick around and I will share more of my story!

Black as Night

Take a listen! This is one of my favorite songs right now. There is nothing better than putting this song on and being about to type away. I love this group!


 What are your thoughts?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

4th of July!

A little late...

I hope y'all had an enjoyable 4th of July. I sure did! What better time to celebrate the birthday of this great country we live in with friends and family. I have some amazing plans for the holiday weekend! I will fill you all in when I return in a few days.

But, this also reminds me that our freedom isn't free. We as a country have men and women fighting for our freedom on a daily basis. There are men and women who are currently overseas that won't be able to celebrate this holiday with friends or family because they are serving our country. Two of my cousins and one of my nephews have been overseas in the last few years. Thankfully, they all made it home with out a scratch bravely serving our country.

Currently, my best friend, Jessica is serving in Afghanistan. You can read about her deployment here.

While we are out celebrating the 4th of July with our friends and families don't forget to think about the soldiers that will be spending their holiday holding a gun, battling weather conditions and wishing they could be home to spend time with their friends and family.

A huge thank you goes out to all the soldiers and veterans that are fighting and who have fought for our country.

E-5 Sgt. Michael Babker - Nephew
Robert Figueroa - Cousin
Dick Daum - Uncle
Larry Daum - Daddy
Mike Daum - Brother
Shelly Elam- Aunt
2nd Lt. Jessica Loggins - Best Friend
Jim Outler - Uncle
Pat Outler - Uncle
E4 Jeff Welchman - Cousin

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"The Type" By Sarah Kay

It has taken me a very long time to find myself. I feel like I am still on the beginning of my journey of who I am. 

It has always been easier to be the shy one, the quite one, the follower, the one who sat in the corner and watched life pass me by. 

It has taken me almost 25 year to realize there are far greater things in life then watching everyone else live their lives. 

I am ready to build my life. 

This poem is written by Richard Siken and read by Sarah Kay at a poetry slam in New York City. 

Please take a few moments to watch this. 

I would like to know your thoughts. Please share in the comments. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing. 

Life is like a song. Every song has a rhythm and rhythm is what drives life. Getting into a good rhythm makes life easy and sometimes unbearably boring. You know exactly were you need to be and when you need to be there. You know who you will get the pleasure of spending time with. The sun rises and the sun sets with no disturbance. Every moment of your day is mapped out without ever having to think about it. 

Some times there needs to be a change in the rhythm of life to keep thing interesting. Wake up an hour earlier (HAHA! for anyone that knows me!) and enjoy some yoga or see what you can get picked up around the house. Eat lunch at a restaurant by yourself to see what stranger you can begin a conversation with instead of grabbing lunch to go and eating in your office. Take a different route home from work. It is amazing what a change of scenery can do! 

What is something you can change in your daily routine to spice up the rhythm of your life? 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Listen

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing. 

Life is so busy and hectic these days. I miss the days of not having a care in the world. As I take a moment to sit back and listen to the world around me. I hear the baby birds chirping every morning as I walk to my car to head to work from their nest on my front porch. As soon as, I reach my car the music comes on, whether its Bruno Mars or Pink or Heather and DC talking during their show I crank it up. There is no better way to enjoy my commute into work than listening to the radio. 

As I stroll into my office I am greeted by the lovely sound of our server closet and the hustle and bustle of my co-workers beginning their day. For many this means a pit stop in the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. The essence of life around this office! Y'all should have seen this place the day the coffee pot broke! People were making plans to run to Starbucks for their big container of coffee to hold us over until our coffee pot could be fixed. 

The best part of my day is when I get home and I get to wrap my arms around my awesome hubby to give him a big hug and he asks me how my day was. Whether I had an amazing day or a down right terrible day I know he will listen to my days tale. I have the best husband in the world! 

Listen to the world around you and make the most of it! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Imagine

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing. 

I can only imagine...

What would life be like if we had the time to sit back and smell the roses. Enjoy walks in the brisk evening air. Spend a few extra moments lying in the arms of a loved one. Celebrate all the little things in life. It is those little things that make life so grand.

The way we live our lives today is running from one appointment to the next. Writing a to do list where the first two lines are:

1. Write a to do list
2. Mark off number one for completing the list

By starting out every to do list this makes a person feel like they have accomplished something grand for the day because there is one more check mark on their to do list.

I never remember a time when I had time to sit back and enjoy the world around me for more than a few minutes at a time.

When I was in middle and high school. I was always working on homework or thinking about the next big project. Practicing my violin and cello for the school orchestra. Throw in a job and a boyfriend and there was no time left.

College wasn't any easier. By this time I was married, working part-time in the wee hours of the morning in order to carry a class load of 21-24 hours a semester. I worked my tail off in order to graduate with my bachelor's degree in three years.

As an adult three years removed from college my life is spinning. I have a to do list to complete other to do lists. I work for a non-profit and volunteer in my time away from work. My husband is working two jobs and we rarely have time to spend together.

I miss the embracing hold of my husband. I miss being about to crawl in bed at night and snuggle into his protective and loving arms.

I want to take the time to smell the roses. I want to make time in the day to do something I want. I want to make the time to enjoy more time with my husband.

Bucket list item: Pick a day and not worry about a single adult decision all day. Use this day to enjoy everything around me and be grateful for my amazing life! This day won't have a to do list, no itinerary, this day will consist of where life will take me.

My challenge to you: Choose a day to take a step back from your hectic schedule and enjoy life.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Five Minute Friday: View

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing. 

My view from the front porch looking in... 

I am bursting from the seems. I was to shout of the mountain tops.

I want to be a voice heard. 

I am ready to run my world. I am ready to make a difference.

The thoughts stew. The thoughts boil. The thoughts want to burst out. The thoughts want to become word. 

The words want to spew. They want to turn into wisdom of my life. Guidance of my path.

Yet, the thoughts make it no further than my mouth. The words stay as quite as books resting on a table. 

Right on the tip of my tongue waiting for their day to make an entrance.

...Your view looking in sees me as a shy, quite girl. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Song

Every Friday Lisa-Jo Baker posts a word prompt.  The idea is to set a timer and write for five minutes. You would be amazed at how fast 5 minutes really is. Once the five minutes is up you jump on over to her page here and post your link. Once you link up visit the person before you and offer some words of encouragement for their writing. 

Life is a song. 

It has it slow times and its fast times. 

Here lately there have been more fast times that slow times. I always heard the older you get the fast time goes and boy is that the truth. My husband and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary yesterday. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems just like yesterday that I was walking down the aisle with my arms linked in with my dad and my brother. I miss the times when the family was all together. It is amazing the twists and turns life takes. 

Life is a song. 

I want more slow times in life to be able to enjoy the ones around me. Life seems to be going a million miles a minute. I want time to enjoy life. Enjoy time with those in my life right now. I want to be able to take a minute and smell the roses. 

Life is a song. 

Riding around the dirt country roads with music blaring with a drink in one hand and my love's hand in the other.  Not realizing that countless hours has passed. 

Where has the time gone?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Comfort

I was reading a friends blog JShu on the Journey and came across a five minute writing activity from Lisa-Jo Baker.  I used to do a lot of writing in my free time for fun and here lately I haven't had the time. I am going to challenge myself to keep up with her Five Minute Friday activity. Here is too week 1!

I take comfort in knowing that I have the best family and friends a girl could ask for. This weekend I will be celebrating being with the best man I know. Six years ago I walked down the isle to say "I do." To this day that is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I am with someone that loves me whole heartily. I can be myself and not have to try and hide my flaws. I know my husband loves me for being me. For that I don't have words that can describe the love I have for my husband.

I have the best parents! They have supported me in everything that I have ever wanted to do. When I told my parents that I was engaged at 18, they were nervous at first. They quickly came around to the fact that I wasn't changing my mind. My parents have been my biggest supporters throughout my life.

Besides my parents, my brother Joshie has been my biggest cheerleader. We have always been there for each other and we always will be.

It is amazing how fast five minutes goes by....

Thursday, April 18, 2013

At the end of the day...

I know I have been really quite here in cyber world lately. A lot has been going on in life that had to be taken care of. I am happy to report that life issues have been taken care of and I should hopefully get back on a regular schedule.

I was browsing Pinterest after cooking dinner this evening and came across a quote that was very suiting. You can follow me here.

Drama and stress have been really prevalent in my life lately and I was letting it get the best of me. I was letting it drag me down each day. I finally got to a point where I could take it any more. The stress had over taken everything in my life. When I tried to get my mind off things something always happened to bring the stress back to being the center of attention.

After seeing this quote tonight it really made me realize all the good I have in my life.

I have an amazing husband who is always there for me through the think and thin. When we got married 6 years ago (oh, where has the time gone!) most people told us we were to young and we didn't know what we were doing. We knew exactly what we were doing! We compliment each other the way a marriage is supposed to work. Don't get me wrong we have our disagreements, but never go to bed mad. Saying "I do" to Randy is the best thing I have ever done. I love that man more than words can describe.

I have amazing parents who never miss the chance to tell someone that I am their daughter and they are proud of me. My parents are my biggest support system. When ever I am having a bad day I know I can pick up the phone and call my marmy and she will always be on the other end talking me through whatever I am going through.

I have amazing friends that no matter how goofy I get they will always laugh with me instead of at me :)

I can't forget the amazing co-workers I have. If you are reading this you fall into this wonderful group. No matter how stressed out we get or how frustrated our job makes us we will ban together and get through the day. Even if we spend every moment thinking it is one moment closer to enjoying a nice cold margarita or Blue Moon!

So, at the end of the day I am going to focus on the things that hold me together.

What holds you together at the end of a rough day?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Update from Joshie!

Well here it is I have realized that the more medications you are on the less anti-virals really have a chance to really completely do their job! I have taken myself off of all medications not related to HIV, since November of 2012. At that time my CD4 was about 121. But my viral load was undetectable  The prison physician didn't know why (as well as outside street doctors) my CD4 would only keep on the downward slide. So, I made the choice against the physician's advice and refused all med but my trio anti-viral regiment  Now almost 5 months later my CD4 has amazing increased to 324. I would have mentioned this earlier  and still the results are too soon, but over doubled the CD4 in 5 months. That is really saying something! Not by all means I don't recommend anyone just up and quitting meds. I took a risk. Fortunately  nothing negative happened  

So as Buddha says, "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" Compassion to you all 

Feel free to write me anytime. 

Post a message, whether you are spoken to by our messages! Good or bad or "mu" we all learn and teach! 


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Adventures with Dab!

Mardi Gras and near the Arkansas State Capitol Building

Capitol Building

Jenn and Dab outside of KARK 4 building (news station)

Dab and I outside KARK by the State Capitol Building

Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Adventures with Dab!

Christmastime with Dab. (I am working on getting my posts caught up! Please bear with me)

Getting in the Christmas spirit

Helping wrap presents

Helping decorate the tree

Enjoying the fireplace

Christmas morning with all the presents

 Christmas Eve

Kisses in the Christmas Day snow

Making a snow angel on Christmas Day

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Adventures with Dab!

Dab visited a Bikers Against Child Abuse meeting with me!

With Meanie

Riding TC's bike

Hanging out with Half Pint

Hanging with Switch

Dab also hung out with some pretty cool people.

My Marmy! 

My Daddy!

Jesse's Dad!



Join us next Sunday for more Adventures with Dab! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Getting Active

A few weeks ago a co-worker mentioned that she was going to join a free run/walk clinic. I thought that it was a fabulous idea and I asked for the information, so I could find a clinic close to me.

I can't tell you how many times I have started to work out or say I am going to work out this many times a week and I never follow through. I normally do good for a week or so then I get to "busy" to work out. At this point even dishes look more enticing than exercising.  Everything seems to take priority over working out. Randy, Jesse and I have all tried to hold each other accountable, but that doesn't last long either. We give into each other to easy. I have gained almost 20 pounds since my surgery last year. Being taken out of commission for so long has made me really lazy. I will be the first person to point that out. My surgery was in April 2012 and I couldn't walk normal until almost August or lift more than 5 pounds until the end of September. That is a long time to not be able to do very much and start bad habits of sitting around all the time munching on things because there is nothing else to do.

Women Can Run Arkansas has free clinics all throughout the state. I am running with almost 400 other women in Cabot, AR. Of course, we are broken down into groups and I am in the beginner running group because I can't run for a solid minute. I think there is still time to register, since we are only a week in check out more information here.

We meet every Monday and Thursday evening. It has been really nice to get out and meet other people that are wanting to get healthier and in better shape. The time goes by pretty quickly because we have people to talk with as we are walking and running. This week we have had to run in the dark, but thankfully next week that will change because of the time change. 

I felt pretty good running/walking with everyone this week. I surprised myself I was able to keep up better than I thought I was going to. Tuesday, I was sore, but it was manageable. I made the mistake of wearing my 3 inch heels to work on Wednesday, which was not the best idea for my legs. Thursday, came around and I was really looking forward to getting back out on the roads with the wonderful women at the clinic. I was definitely feeling it more that night. My muscles were still a little sore and I was starting to get shin splints. One of the leaders of my group took time after we got done running to show us stretches we can do to help with the pain in our legs.

I am looking forward to Monday night when we get out running again!

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Brother's HIV Story

Please enjoy:

It was May of 1994. I was enrolled in cosmetology school. The Red-Cross blood-mobile was in the parking lot and several of us cosmos decided to donate some of life's juice. So, I went through their little questioner and proceeded to the back and reclined back and pumped out a bag of life.

Two weeks later a health department employee came to the school to talk to me. I walking into the Dean's office and I was there alone with this nice looking lady, as she introduced herself to me she explained the process blood goes through and the testing as well, then she dropped the bomb and became the most vile looking creature ever (still haunts my dreams). She told me my blood tested positive for the HIV virus. I sat like the "Thinker Statue" for several moments. Finally she broke the silence and said she had a few questions for me. So we started the short list and when she asked me about if I wanted to contact all my sexual partners past and present or did I want the Health Department. I chose to do it myself. And with no emotion I led her out the doors and swore that they made and error and I wasn't letting anyone know. And I didn't I went as normal as possible and eventually blocked out/forgot the whole issue!

I lived a careless life free from worries, stress and drama. Then living in Tulsa, OK I met a great boy who was my server at IHOP and tipped him, as well as, setting up a date. His name was Chris. We dated for about a month, everyday if possible. A month later I moved in with Chris. Everything was going great we spend the winter and spring together then July 4th came and we celebrated partying with some friends at a public field party. Someone from the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Center handed us a baggie of condoms. I laughed because Chris never used a condom with me. But, there always was a business car in that baggie for free AIDS testing. So after we got home, Chris said let's do it, let's go get tested. I loved Chris, at that moment that vile creature popped in my head. Reluctant and nauseous I agreed to go and get tested on his day off.

The third week of July we went to the free testing center. Say in the reception area and filled out some pretty lengthy questioners. And we both decided to test with our real name and not anonymous. So they separately took us into a test room, got our fingers pricked, smeared it on the test card. The volunteers sealed it and made an appointment to come in for the results. Two extremely nerve wrecking weeks.

On the Wednesday of the second week in August 1998, Chris and I went to the center to learn of our destiny. On the way there I made a vow if it came back that the truth was the same as it was 4 years earlier I  would just check out of life, end it so I wouldn't have to face the world or anyone for that matter. We pulled into the parking lot behind the center and got out. I almost bit the dust. Getting out of the truck my legs were rubber and I just knew. So, we went in sat down in the reception area for seemingly eternity. Then the guy said, "who want to go first?" I shrunk back and Chris went in brace and came out smiling minutes later. My turn.

I went in the first room off straight across from the reception area. I sat across from the guy and said to him, "If I got it, just tell me, I know already that I got it I know I do." He as a volunteer wax extremely gentle and compassionate. He opened the envelope and looked at it a long minute. And sadly with a tear in his eye he said, "I'm really sorry, but yes your test came back positive, you have HIV. I sat there for a second, got up thanked him and walked frozen into the reception area and looked at Chris and feel apart. Chris got up and bear hugged me and said it's OK. I'm not leaving you, I love you! The volunteer handed me a packet of info and the number and address to the infectious disease clinic.

A month later, the Health Department of Oklahoma contacted me and I met the gentleman at Denny's. I answered all his questions and gave him a list of full names that I could remember. I couldn't tell my past. That night, after a nice dinner with Chris, with his coaching I called my mommy. "Hi, I love you, I need to tell you, I got tested and I got HIV." Honestly, I don't remember her reply. I think she cried, but to my disbelief , she was still on the phone she didn't tell me to die and slam the phone down as I expected.

Around a week later I was at the Infectious Disease Clinic at the hospital.More blood drawn and the famous question at the hospital who gave "it" to you. I have an idea, but not sure, was my response. Truth is I knew who gave it to me, but he isn't to blame. I knowingly had sex with this guy, but I was around 16 in a mental hospital in Texas and truly believed "it" wouldn't ever happened to me, but it did. A week later I showed back up at the ID Clinic and heard some astonishing news. I was lucky at that time I wasn't even sick. My CD4 was around 428 and my viral load was close to 4,600. Insane! Immediately the doctor prescribed like 5 or 6 medications and vitamin supplements. Which was extremely difficult to swallow. Literally and figuratively! But fortunately I didn't end it and keep my promise to myself.

Many years later being medically compliant was not in my vocabulary and I declined again over several years. Eventually, living without any support as I thought, I got sick with PCP Pneumonia. They admitted me to the hospital and guess what...more blood work. Came back and my CD4 was 113 and my viral load was 148,000. I knew I was a lost cause. Three weeks later after I recovered from my pneumonia. I went home to Doug and David.

Depressed and pissed off I lay in bed in the back of the house. At something around 9:00pm I sat up went and got a beer and my bag of pills. I sat back in the bed and without a second thought gulped down approximately 9,000mg of Dilantin, 12,000mg of Tegutol and 3,000mg of Phenobarbitol. Chugged the remainder of the beer and laid back for a long winter nap as Doug was at work and David watched TV. I was dying. Sometime later not to long, David came to say goodnight, and I was grey and unresponsive. So 911 got called it was October 16, 2004. I was really almost dead. I had quit breathing and by the time the paramedics got there my heart had stopped. So they did CPR on me for several minutes. And off to ICU I went at Kansas City Hospital. Where Doug had met David and the ICU doctor had told them to call family and a minister and they will need to sign and call a funeral home. The ICU doctor called the doctor at KU Medical ID Clinic. Dr. Bajarcharia and told him I had overdosed and he highly doubted I'd survive. I was on a respirator, unresponsive, and extremely critical. I stayed comatose for 9 days. On the 10th day I was coherent, but still couldn't breath on my own till day 12. I spend the next 3 weeks in the hospital.

Now, 8 years later, medically compliant (again) CD4 324 viral load undetectable.


I hope that by my brother sharing his story it will help someone out there. Whether you are newly diagnosed or if you have known for quite some time. You aren't alone. There are other people out there fighting the same battle right along with you.

My brother is currently paying a debt to society for getting mixed up with drugs. While he is away I will be his voice and share his story in order to help others. If my brothers story can help at least one person out there I know I am doing my job.

Joshie would like to read your comments. Please share below or if you would like to share them privately with him you can write him at:

Joshua Daum #1152853
Potosi Correctional Center
11593 State Highway O
Mineral Point, MO 63660

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ambassador of Hope

I have always been a big supporter of my brother. He has made some choices in life that haven't been the best, but I will always be there for him. That is what family is for. 

This post is a little long over due, but its better late than never! 

For my birthday I made the decision that I wanted to give back instead of receive. I would much rather d something for other people than to do something for myself. I have spent quite a bit of time researching different organizations trying to find something that would fit me and work with my schedule. I finally found an organization that couldn't fit me any better. Dabs the AIDS Bear Project. 

I contacted the founder of the organization Dab Garner to get a little more information and to become an Ambassador of Hope. 

A little bit about the program: 

The Ambassador of Hope program began in 1990 when Dab was battling non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for the first time. He knew that he might not survive, but wanted to train other men and women to be activists to serve, protect and help people with HIV and AIDS. When the program began only HIV positive individuals could join the program. In the mid 1990's, HIV negative individuals were approaching Dab to become an Ambassador of Hope. Even though the individuals were HIV negative they in some way were effected by HIV and AIDS, whether a friend or family member lost their battle or provided services for their community. The program was then opened to HIV negative individuals who wanted to support those living with HIV and AIDS.  

There are over 400 active Ambassadors of Hope in 27 countries. 

Being an Ambassador of Hope it is my pleasure to take Dab the AIDS Bear around with me and take photos everywhere I go to spread his message. 

My Dab the AIDS Bear arrived on my door step on December 10, 2012 and I couldn't wait to get started taking photos. Before I share a few of my photos with Dab, if you would like more information about this program please visit

 Dab's first photo 

Dab got hungry at the hotel 

Waiting in line at Samurai of Tokoyo 

Hanging out by one of the displays at Samurai of Tokoyo 

Hanging out with our Chef after he cooked out food

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How one gets HIV/AIDS

So After reading My Mission now the questions is how exactly does one get HIV/AIDS? HIV is found in specific bodily fluids and if any of those enter your body you can be infected with HIV. 

HIV can be transmitted through...
  • Sexual Contact
  • Pregnancy, Childbirth and Breast Feeding
  • Injection Drug Use
  • Occupational Exposure
  • Blood Transfusion/Organ Transplant (rarely) 
Bodily fluids such as blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, breast milk, vaginal fluids and rectal mucous contain high levels of the HIV virus. These bodily fluids are were HIV lives and reproduces. 

Not all bodily fluids contain enough of the HIV virus to infect you unless they are mixed with blood and you have a significant or direct contact with them. Feces, nasal fluid, saliva, sweat, tears, urine and vomit don't contain enough of the virus to infect someone with HIV.

AIDS is the late stage of the HIV infection. Once a person's immune system is severally damaged and has difficulty fighting diseases and certain cancers they move from having HIV to AIDS. Before the development certain medication people living with HIV would progress into AIDS in a few years. Many life changing medications have been developed and they are allowing people to live much longer with HIV before it develops into AIDS.

After reading the facts above, this goes to show that there are more ways to get HIV than being gay. I loathe stereotypes and I wish they could be thrown out the window. I have found people will search out any kind of stereotype they can find before they search out the truth. 

(Facts reviewed from 

Will you stand up and take the stand with me against this stereotype? 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 13 for 2013

For 2013 I decided that I wanted to set goals for myself instead of resolutions. Every year I have made resolutions for myself and by February I never remember what they are. I want this year to be different. I want to set goals for myself and be able to carry through with them. 

Resolution -  formal expression of intent

Goal - the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

A resolution is saying that you plan to do something, whereas, a goal is something that you accomplish when an effort is made. I am going to keep my word to live by "focus." 

My goals for 2013: 
  1. To blog on a weekly basisI enjoy writing and it has become a great stress relief for me. I want to work on getting into a better routine. Feel free to comment or email me to hold me accountable :) 
  2. Take 7 photos a week with Dab the AIDS Bear (About Dab post coming soon!)I don't want to set a goal of taking a photo a day with Dab because I know some days that would be impossible for me. By setting the goal 7 photos a week I will get the same outcome as if I took one a day. 
  3. To eat healthier and include exercise in my lifestyleEating healthier and including exercise into my routine is better than saying I need to lose weight. By eating healthier this will also effect my husband and my roommate because I do all the cooking, so this will benefit all of us. The end result of eating healthier and including exercise into my routine will be losing weight (fingers crossed!). 
  4. Complete one random act of kindness a weekThis goal can be as simple to leaving a candy bar on a co-workers desk to buying someone lunch that really needs it. 
  5. Try to make a dent in our debt
  6. Work towards ending the stigma of people living with HIV/AIDS
  7. Make mistakes (hopefully not to bad of ones!) to learn from and make my life better
  8. Avoid petty drama
  9. Enjoy the relationships I have formed and work on making those connections even better
  10. To visit my brother at least 2 times and get better at writing him on a schedule. I am keeping my prayers going that he will get the transfer he requested and he will only be 5 hours away instead of 8.
  11. Get my house more organized 
  12. Enjoy life to the fullest and never go to bed upset 
  13. Be more social
I know that some of these goals seem easier than they should be, but I know that I have a lot of things already going on in my life and I want to be able to accomplish the goals I set forth for myself.