Monday, December 31, 2012

A Look Back at 2012

January - My husband had knee surgery and his employer at the time only gave him one day off after his surgery. The good wife that I am drove Randy to work and would pick him since he couldn't drive while taking pain pills. 

February - Was an extremely busy month at work for me. It was my first Girl Scout Cookie season on the Council side. My husband was still recovering from having knee surgery and I spent many late nights at the office, so we didn't get to see much of each other. 

March - I was already at work getting my morning started when I received a call from my husband. "I just got creamed by a semi" were the first words out of his mouth. It took a moment for my brain to register what he had just told me. I immediately dropped everything I was doing at work and headed towards the accident. I made it the scene of the accident and I saw the car. The drivers side of the car looked pretty bad. The amazing thing is Randy walked away from being t-bones by a semi with a scratch on his neck from the glass shattering all over him. 

April - It was my turn for surgery. I had to have a cyst removed from my tail bone. It was not a fun surgery and far less fun recovery time. My doctor told me 2-3 month recovering time, so I was thinking that it wouldn't be to bad boy was I wrong! My surgery was April 19th and I laid flat on my stomach the rest of the month on my couch. A home health nurse came the first week after my surgery until they taught my amazing roommate how to change the packing. That was the worst part of my day. I was very appreciative that my parents came to visit, so I would have company. My Marmy also did all the cooking while she was here. Otherwise I would have lived frozen meals and take out. The crappy part of the month Randy got let go from his job for something that wasn't his fault. On a good note, Randy was able to pick out a truck with the insurance money we got. We were finally back to having two vehicles. 

May - Was the happiest month of the year aside from some crappy stuff still going on. Randy and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. Money was really tight since Randy still didn't have job, so Jesse was kind enough to take us out for our anniversary. May also marked the year mark of Jesse living with us.

June - Randy finally landed a job. It was a great one, but at least it was a job. He started selling cell phones. The hours sucked his manager used and abused him. I don't think there was a day he came home in a good mood. I celebrated my one year anniversary with my job. I don't think there is a better job out there for me. I bleed green and love the mission I work for.

July & August - Nothing major really happened. Trying to live on a tighter budget was stressful none the less. I was still trying to recover from surgery. I didn't think about not being able to swim all summer :(  

September - Randy and I marked our 1 year anniversary of being homeowners! 

October - This was a bittersweet month. I took a week of vacation it was a nice change in pace because this was the first time all year that I had taken vacation. I made plans to take a trip to Kansas City to visit some family friends from high school. I had also decided that I wanted to see my brother. I hadn't seen my brother since the early part of 2010. I was the first family member that ever visited Joshie while he was incarcerated. It was amazing to see him, but at the same time reality sank in. I was officially healed from surgery! I couldn't be happier! October 31 is a date that will stick with me. I was able to spend the time with my amazing sister Jessica Loggins. This marked the last time I was able to see her for at least a year. 2nd Lt. Jessica Loggins was set to deploy to Afghanistan in December. 

November - Randy finally landed a job that he loves! It is amazing how a job can change someones mood. Randy never comes home in a bad mood any more. Randy was once again in a car accident. Thankfully all the guys in the truck that rolled over were fine. Randy was hurt the worst with a cut on the back of his head and his wrist split open. Randy, Jesse and I had the pleasure of spending Thanksgiving with his side of the family in Marshall. This was the first year since we have been married that I didn't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner. 

December -  I only worked 6 days this month. I had a lot of vacation that I needed to work in because I had only used a week all year. Jesse and I traveled to Texas because I had been asked to shoot a sweet 16 party for Jesse's niece. As soon as we got home the count down to my parents spending Christmas with us was on. Since I didn't have to work my parents were able to spend a week and a half with us. We had a very good Christmas being able to spend time with family. This month I also made a very big decision and I became an Ambassador of Hope for the Dab the AIDS Bear Project. (I will have a post very soon talking about this project)

I am sure there are things that I forgot to put in here, but 2012 defiantly had its up and downs. There were many stressful times, but there were also joyful times. I am looking forward to 2013 and all the fun times to come. 

How was 2012 for you?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Amazing Evernote!

A while back I was working on cleaning out my email and catching up on blogs that I follow. The blogs that I frequent often I have set up to come to my email, so when I have time I can take a few minutes and read their new material instead of trying to remember to go to their page to see if something new has been published. One of my favorite blogs to read is digitialeramom. I don't really fit the demographic for the blog, but I really enjoy the read. She published a post titled Obsessed with Evernote. I knew right away I needed to read more. I have a very OCD brain and I like to have all of my ideas neatly organized. As I was reading through her post I knew this app was going to work wonders for me. I have really wanted to get back into blogging and I needed a better way to organize my thoughts that was better than a notebook that I would end up not having when a fabulous idea popped into my head. 

I started off by downloading the app and getting it set up on my phone. I am never without my phone. I live off of my phone. Who now a days doesn't? All my social networks, my email - personal and work related (which is a blessing and a curse), my calendar are all at the tap of a finger. The interface of evernote on my phone was very east to use and it automatically sent me an email to the link to download the desktop version once I got back to my computer. Of course, I download the files and set up evernote on my computer and started playing around with it. I have come to love this app! It does everything I need it to and probably so much more I haven't had the time to figure out. 

I love that if I have and idea for a post I can type it up and click into another note to write a quick note and it automatically updates my notes without having to remember to manually save them. I am always working on more than one thing at a time and occasionally I forget to hit the save button and move on to something else only to realize I lost everything I had just been working on. I love this feature! 

I put my menu for Christmas dinner into Evernote and I could then write a shopping list off of that. Being able to type in an item that I need to grab at the store the next time I go is slowly cutting down on the trips that I have to take to the store and that makes me a happy panda! I have made my roommate and my husband put this app on their phone, so if they are at the store they can view the grocery list and see if we need anything while they are. This keeps us from all picking up the same thing if we don't have a chance to send a quick text or make that phone call. 

I have a notebook set up just for my blog post ideas. I have so many ideas running through my head at one time I needed an area where i could put them down and work on getting my ideas organized. I type far faster than I ca write, so it is easier for me to get more ideas down in a short amount of time. 

I really want to start focusing on eating healthier and hopefully finding some time to work exercise into my routine that is a schedule I want to work on putting together and keeping it in evernote, so I always have it with me. I have also thought about starting a food journal. I have so many ideas running through my head I am sure that I will eventually get them all straightened out. 

I love using Evernote!

Do you use the app? If so, what items do you put in it?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Mission against HIV/AIDS Stereotypes

Today I want to write something that is very close to my heart. December 1 was World AIDS Day, this day is used to help educate people on HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS crisis that we are now being faced with in today's society. This is something that I care about passionately because my brother has HIV/AIDS. I have made it my mission to break the stereotypes that people living with AIDS face on a daily basis. Having HIV/AIDS doesn't mean your gay and being gay doesn't mean you have HIV/AIDS or you will get HIV/AIDS. 

As far back as I can remember I knew that my brother was living with HIV/AIDS. Is he gay? Yes. Did he get HIV/AIDS from being gay? No. My brother, Joshie got involved with some people that weren't the greatest and he got hooked on drugs when he was a teenager. This is something that he isn't proud of, but it is part of his past. At the age of 17 he found out he had HIV. In a few short weeks he will be celebrating his 36th Birthday and still handsome as ever!

HIV started when hunters in West Africa killed and ate infected chimpanzees. Recent studies show that HIV made the transition from monkeys to humans as far back as the 1800's.  Many people before the 1980's died without even knowing what made them sick and the few that were diagnosed were diagnosed as having "GRID" (Gay Related Immune Deficiency). GRID was also referred to as the gay plague. It wasn't until the 1980's that researchers knew what HIV/AIDS was and was able to start diagnosing people. Many researchers were concerned with the accuracy of the name of the disease because gay-related did not encompass the demographics of the disease. In 1984 the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that a probable cause of AIDS had been discovered. Two short years later HIV was named as the retrovirus.

What is HIV?

H – Human – This particular virus can only infect human beings.
I – Immunodeficiency – HIV weakens your immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. A "deficient" immune system can't protect you.
V – Virus – A virus can only reproduce itself by taking over a cell in the body of its host.

What is AIDS?

A – Acquired – AIDS is not something you inherit from your parents. You acquire AIDS after birth.
I – Immuno – Your body's immune system includes all the organs and cells that work to fight off infection or disease.
D – Deficiency – You get AIDS when your immune system is "deficient," or isn't working the way it should.
S – Syndrome – A syndrome is a collection of symptoms and signs of disease. AIDS is a syndrome, rather than a single disease, because it is a complex illness with a wide range of complications and symptoms.
My brother plays a huge part in my life. Even though we are physically miles apart our hearts are together. We will always be there for each other no matter what. He is the oldest child and I am the youngest and we have the best relationship! 

(Don't mind the sleepy looks I don't know who decided taking photos first thing in the morning would be a good thing!) 

This is the first of many posts to come to help educate people about HIV/AIDS and to help break the stereotypes of those living with HIV/AIDS on a daily basis.  

I have started work on a very special project and I will be able to give you more details very soon. Stay tuned!  

(Facts reviewed from 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thanksgiving... Loggins Style

Ok...Ok I know the title is not very funny, but I couldn't help myself. Gangnam Style has been playing in my head all night!

Thanksgiving started out nice and early for me. Randy had already made the trip to Marshall in order to go hunting with his cousin Fig. I decided that I didn't need to chance sleeping away from home because I had just recently gotten off bed rest from hurting it and hadn't ventured to far away from my heating pad.

Jesse had worked all night at the hospital came home and got about an hour of sleep and we hit the road to go join the family for Thanksgiving. As we were driving I got a text and the boys wanted to play football but didn't have the ball. So, the nice wife that I am stopped by Wal-Mart and picked up a foot ball to play with.

After we all enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal and ate to much everyone headed out to play football. I stood on the sidelines and took photos. I didn't want to do anything worse to my back then what it already was.

Enjoy the Loggins family football game.

Team 1 figures out their strategy

Everyone lined up and ready to go

Pookie scored a touchdown 

Priscilla making her way into the end zone (She showed up the boys and make 3 of the teams touchdowns!)

Part of Team 2 working on their strategy

Everyone needs a little bit of a break between touchdowns

I couldn't help but snap a photo photos of this precious little guy

This is what happens when you tell Dominic to cheese

He was being so photogenic! 

Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving? Do you have any family traditions? 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Guess I am not Superwoman...

November has proven to be a rough month for me. I had a lot going on at work and I was stressed trying to meet deadlines. My back over the last few years has acted up from time to time. Normally it would hurt for a few days and the pain would subside and slowly go away. This time things were different. The pain stayed and got worse each day. After a week of the pain not getting any better I decided I would put my stubbornness aside and I scheduled an appointment to see the doctor. I called first thing Monday morning and luckily my doctor had an opening at 3:30 pm. I snagged that appointment before anyone else could. I went ahead and went into work because I could sit at home and be miserable or I could go to work and sit and be miserable, but get some things knocked off my to do list. Needless to say, extreme amount of pain and productivity do not go so well together. 3 o'clock finally rolled around after seeming like an eternity I finished up the last few things I was working on and headed out to my doctors appointment. 

I walked in the doctors office at 3:15 because they always tell you to arrive early to fill out paperwork. At my doctors office to matter how many times you have been there you have to fill out a half sheet of information every time. I sat in the waiting room until almost 3:45 when my appointment was scheduled for 3:30. I finally made it back to the room and the nurse did all the stuff she needed to do and I say around and waiting until almost 4 for the doctor to come in. This is what I don't get they tell you to be there early and then all day they run behind. They should schedule the appointments a little further apart in order to get through everyone that they need to and stay on time. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for modern medicine, but at the same time I wish my time was respected more. 

When my doctor had me stand to get on the bed he could tell something was pretty bad with my back. He tested the reflexes in my knees and ankles to make sure all of that was working properly. He felt around on my back to see where the pain was coming from. Luckily it is not around my spine it is all the muscles in my lower back. He asked what I have been doing and if I could recall doing anything that would pull on my back. Honestly, I have no idea what I did to hurt myself. I just know that my back has never hurt this bad before. After figuring out that it was muscle relating I was put on some muscles relaxers and two days bed rest. For anyone that knows me bed rest is not my friend. I hate being tied down and not being able to do anything for myself. I have come to realization I like to be a homebody, but only when it fits my mood. I don't like being stuck at home when it is not my choice. Since, I couldn't get off the couch (my couch is far more comfortable when my back is hurting) I did what I do best. Take photos! Enjoy! 

Tassellhoff is my fat lazy kitty, so he spent a lot of time with me. 

Tassellhoff didn't want his photo taken again...

Luna Belle Being her sassy self.

Gizmo came inside just to lay on the couch with me. 

Simba my baby kitty wouldn't lay down long enough for me to get a good picture of him and we left the two bigger dogs outside. They would have sent me through the roof if they would have jumped on me! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

I am thankful for...

I know this post is late, but please bear with me November was a rough month for me. I spent some time on bed rest which I will tell you all more about in another post. I spent many nights after work trying to decompress from the stress and business of my day. Hopefully I will get my blog back up to date quickly. I have ideas jotted down in my hand dandy Evernote App that I will be bringing you shortly.

I started out the month of November by posting each day one thing I was thankful for on my Facebook page. It didn't seem to matter how much I tried I never remembered to post something each day or I was already crawling in bed with my eyes half open and decided I was just to tired to pick my phone back up to make a post. I know there is plenty out there that I am thankful for. So, I decided that I would put 30 days of thankfulness into a post here. I hope you all enjoy!

  1. My loving family.
  2. My sweet husband who has always stood by my side. I have no idea where the last 5 years has gone. 
  3. My Marmy you can set her clocks by my daily phone calls. 
  4. My friends without guys I would be a very lonely person. 
  5. Volunteering at my local animal shelter to help stray and abandoned animals fine forever homes. 
  6. A job that couldn't be any better suited for me I really do bleed green.
  7. A house to call my home.
  8. the men and women who serve and have served our country so we can be free: My daddy. Larry Daum, Jessica Loggins, Justin Loggins, Robert Figeroua, Jeff Wilchman, Jessica Arredondo Micheal Babker, Kyle Goodwin.
  9. Juliette Gordon Low and the vision she had for all the girls of savannah and all the girls of the world.
  10. The wonderful Girl Scout volunteers I get the pleasure of working with. 
  11. My fur babies that keep me entertained.
  12. Waking up each morning and being able to enjoy the day.
  13. Being healthy (for the most part)  there are too many people that suffer on a daily basis.
  14. For the friendships that I have held onto through thick and thin.
  15. For being asked to be the matron of honor in my best friends wedding two years ago. I wish you the best 100 yeara jess and justin.
  16. Caring co-workers who help keep me sane.
  17. Being able to volunteer with Baca and see the difference i make in a childs life.
  18. Have reliable transportation that 30 mile commute would not be easy with out it.
  19. My husband and myself both having jobs we enjoy! (It is about time that something worked out for Randy!)
  20. Who ever invented wine. It is nice to sip on and relax after a hard day.
  21. The little things in life.
  22. Social Media, this is by far one thing I spend a lot of my time involved in. I love how I have been able to stay in contact with people from my past so easily and meet new people along the way.
  23. Pinterest, this one explains itself! I can't even begin to describe the countless hours I have spent on that site. I have always thought I was a pretty crafty person, but some of the ideas on Pinterest I would have never come up with. I love to use Pinterest for inspiration at work and at home. 
  24. My cell phone, I would be lost without it. 
  25. Evernote, Thanks Jenni aka Digital Era Mom. I am not only using this program for my blog and home life. I even made my roommate and husband download the app to their phones so, we can all stay on the same page! Evernote makes organization so much easier in the digital realm!
  26. Medication that has helped my brother lead a little bit of a healthier life. 
  27. Advocates that aren't afraid to stand up for someone else who doesn't or not able to stand up for them selves. 
  28. Living in a county where we have the right to be who we want to be. 
  29. My parents letting me grow into the person that I wanted to be and support me in everything I do. 
  30. My Brother Joshie! My only sibling I still talk to. Even though we are miles apart and our only communication is through snail mail I would jump over backwards for you! Our love with always keep us close.

What are you thankful for?