Friday, March 27, 2009
Last Two Weeks....
So the last two weeks have been pretty crazy. Last week was spring break and my mom came to stay with my while randy went off and had fun with his family down in Arkansas. My mom and I spring cleaned my house. Oh what joys. But I didn't nearly get everything done that I had wanted to. I had this whole list of to do's. Well needless to say very few got accomplished. That leads to this week. It has been nuts, to say the least. Monday: this is the day that Gizmo and Tasselhoff got out of the house. We found Tas but there was no sign of Gizmo, so there I was bawling my eyes out becuase Gizmo is my baby and I have no idea what I would do with out him. So everything that I wanted to get done on Monday got pushed back becuase I was worrying about him and I coulnd't bring myself to do anything. Tuesday: We got a phone call and someone had to Gizmo so that just made my day right there. It was a pretty good day but super busy. I was in class from 1230 to 645. I hate tuesdays's they are my long days. I was tired when i got home so I had randy warm up left overs and I went to bed. Wednesday: I was really stressing about everything that I had to get done still. Went to work, directly to school, then after classes I had to meet with my adviosr about my classes for next semester. I think that my advisor thinks that I am completely nuts but that is ok I want to graduate and be done with school!!! after that meeting I had to wait around on campus for a while because I had another meeting at 415. So i didn't get home until almost 6 and I still had to cook dinner do a little bit of homework and I went to bed. Thursday: Another very long day. After work I had to go around to a few businesses and see if they would donate money to the lambda pi eta talent show, well no one was in that I could talk with so that didn't really go over well. I had to go to the store and do homework before I went off to class. So I managed to get that stuff done so I was off to class. Didn't get home until like 330 then I had to work homework. I want to be able to take a break this weekend of being so busy so I was trying to get it done all ahead of time. I pretty much worked on homework all night and went to bed. and I have finally made it to friday: I went to work and then I had a little bit of time so i was able to sneak in a little nap and here I sit. I have to do a mock interview for one of my classes then one more class and I will be done for the day, but most likely come home and work on homework becuase I want to get some of it out of the way for the weekend. I am hoping to be able to get together with some of my friends tonight to get out of the house and have fun. I really think that the teachers are getting back at us for giving us spring break off. GRRRR.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Where do I even begin? Things have been really rough lately. Work has been pretty awful lately. Everyone got a pay cut, and then today I find out that they laid some people off yesterday. I have never had to worry before if I will still have a job when I go to work the next morning. It really sucks see friends get laid off. I feel awful for them but I also have to be worried about myself to make sure that I still have a job the next day. Work has not been as fun as it normally has been for a long time. There are mornings that I don't feel like rolling out of bed at 2am to get to work. There have been many times lately that I just lay there and hit the snooze button. I am slowly losing the motivation to get up and go to work. I have a very good work ethic and right now that is the only thing that is making me get up and go to work instead of calling in.
And on top of all the crap that is going on at work. its midterm week. I had on midterm last friday which was hell, I had 2 today and I have one that I have to take online and then I have a midterm on thursday. I know that I am doing it to myself to be taking to many hours and work at the same time but i do badly want to graduate next spring. I am so burnt out on school I just want to get past it and be able to move on with my married life. There are so many more things out there for me to do then be in school my entire life. I so badly want out of school. I am so ready to be done.
I know that I prolly have to much on my plate at this time but my hope is to scrafice things now to make for a better future.
I can't wait for the day when I can actually sleep in bed with my husband at the same time. Not this him coming to bed an hour before I have to crawl out of bed for work.
Today has just been a mix between a good and bad day. Work sucked. Classes were pretty good I got out early of all of them. Even though I had 2 tests they were really easy. When I have days that suck and are really stressful it has a tendecny to make me think a lot. And sometimes about things that I dont really want to think about. Today has just been one of those days.
And on top of all the crap that is going on at work. its midterm week. I had on midterm last friday which was hell, I had 2 today and I have one that I have to take online and then I have a midterm on thursday. I know that I am doing it to myself to be taking to many hours and work at the same time but i do badly want to graduate next spring. I am so burnt out on school I just want to get past it and be able to move on with my married life. There are so many more things out there for me to do then be in school my entire life. I so badly want out of school. I am so ready to be done.
I know that I prolly have to much on my plate at this time but my hope is to scrafice things now to make for a better future.
I can't wait for the day when I can actually sleep in bed with my husband at the same time. Not this him coming to bed an hour before I have to crawl out of bed for work.
Today has just been a mix between a good and bad day. Work sucked. Classes were pretty good I got out early of all of them. Even though I had 2 tests they were really easy. When I have days that suck and are really stressful it has a tendecny to make me think a lot. And sometimes about things that I dont really want to think about. Today has just been one of those days.
Thursday, March 5, 2009

I just don't get them. After being in a certain position for a few months and all your answers are I don't know, I don't remember. I just don't get it. I guess that i am a person who wants to know my job and work hard till i understand it fully. The more people that I have to associate with makes me realize how much differently that I view things. I guess I could say that I am more of a go getter then a "I'm just gonna sit here and hopefully my job gets done for me" kinda person. People really irritate me.
Why do people have to be the way that they are?
I can only play the nice card for so long. The bitch card is slowly rising! and I am not afraid to use it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
So I have come to the understanding that having a quiz every week for a lab class sucks. It doesn't matter how much of the reading that I do or even if I look back over the lab manual I fail the quizzes. What is up with that? I think that this has to be my worst semester with having classes that I have to take quizzes all the time for. and it is REALLY REALLY ANNOYING!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Life Update

So I need a break from school work so I figured that I would come back to Blogger. In high school I used to live on here. Writing is a way for me to express myself and I feel bad because this last year I haven't really been able to keep up with my writings. So now I am taking time away from writing journals for one of my classes to come back to my obsession.
School I kinda killing me this semester. I had this bright idea to take 20 hours including and honors class. I am really trying to graduate in 3 years but it is killing me. My goal is graduate May 2010 and even if it kills me I will meet my goal.
Work is fun. I love my job, hate the hours. I work for one of the local TV stations. KOAM-TV and KFJX-TV. I am the graphics person for the morning show. It is so much fun.
Family life is awesome. I still can't believe that Randy and I will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary in May. Life couldn't be any better. We still have Gizmo and we have since added to our family Tasselhoff and Luna my kitties. They are my loves <3
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